Living Data

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned
that this program contains images and voices of deceased persons.

Living Data

2019 Presentations

Disclaimers, Copyrights and Citations

Presentations/Index 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

In this International year of Indigenous languages,
and the 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty
languages of art and science come together with a message:

"...The spirit of inclusion and cooperation that sustained Aboriginal Australia
for tens of thousands of years
is the same spirit that drives the Antarctic Treaty,
and all treaties [agreements] people make to live well together".

Dana Bergstrom,2019. In conversation with Lisa Roberts


30 December 2019
Voices from the Southern Ocean
Talks Ideas and Talking Circle, Woodford Festival program


17 October 2019
Australian Desert Plant Ecophysiology
Scientific lecture by James Cleverly for University of Technology Sydney


13 June 2019 - 25 July 2019
Seeding Treaty: Voice, Treaty, Truth
Animated Installation for Boomalli's NAIDOC Exhibition,
Voice, Treaty, Truth
Sydney, Australia


3-5 April 2019
Seeding Treaty: Inclusion and Cooperation
Animated Message for the conference,
Antarctic Connections at the End of the World
Ushuaia, Argentina