Living Data

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned
that this program contains images and voices of deceased persons.

Living Data



My project is an animation related to my own experience of the Tsunami of 2004. The reason I am interested in this area is because I have been faced with disasters such as earthquakes and tsunami in the past. Before the Tsunami happened, I never knew and never thought about global warming and I didn't even know what a tsunami was. From this experience, I would like to encourage people in Indonesia or anywhere to support reforestation. By using animation I hope it will help represent my experience of the Tsunami and to show actions that could be undertaken in order to decrease our impact on the environment. I hope this short animation will alert people to help reforestation. This animation will be put to air across prominent places in Indonesia; I aimed it at people who love the Environment.

Rivia Rivia on Vimeo November 2011

Experience of a catastophic event can make us think very differently about the world. It can lead us to think about other changes happening in the environment. Although there may be no evidence yet of a connection between global warming and tsunamis, memories of such events raise questions about human impacts on the environment.